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Heard on College Hill
Irons versus Murphy
Speaker Murphy Optimistic on Separation of Powers
Harry Connick, Jr. on Buddy Cianci
AG Lynch Opposes Expungement Liberalization
Buddy Cianci: The Musical
Providence Facing Drastic Cuts if No New Aid
DeBare Criticizes Effort to Liberalize Expungement
Research Study Reveals Problems in RI Expungement Policies
Irons Stands Tall on Separation of Powers
Kennedy Chastizes Fellow Dems on Foreign Policy; Disavows Any Interest in Chafee Senate Seat
Cicilline Says Colleges Facing PILOT Legislation
Kennedy Says Bush Made Right Decision on Iraq War
Matt Brown's Political Future
Reed Expects U.S. to Find Iraq
Chemical Weapons
Chafee Calls Critics "Vicious"
Comparing Wars
Cicilline Squeezes Universities
Gordon Fox Complains about State
Carcieri Becoming Rudy Giuliani
of Rhode Island
Cicilline No Drag at Follies
Brown University State Survey, February,
Chafee Criticizes Bush for "Steering
to the Right"
Grading Bush's Speech
Natl Polls Show Erosion of Bush
New Providence Police Chief
Promises Big Changes
Murphy and Irons Spar over JCLS
Almond Feels Good About Eight
Years as Governor
Irons Signals Close Ties to
New Gov. Carcieri
Carcieri Lays Down Law to Legislature
Interpreting the 2002 Election
Reed Says Harwood Explanation
is "Not Persuasive"
Carcieri Moving Toward "Significant
Contrasts" with York
Harwood Says "All Options"
on Table for Quonset
Providence Voters Favor Cicilline;
Minorities Feel They Have Too Little Power
Cicilline Calls for New Leadership
Mark Shriver Loses Congressional
Handicapping York versus Carcieri
for Governor
Will Cianci + Harwood = York/Cicilline/Carcieri/Brown?
Cicilline Leads Paolino in Ch12
Harwood Emerges as Campaign
Target in Several Races
Republican Gubernatorial Candidates
Running 30-40 Points Behind York and Whitehouse
Paolino Criticizes WLNE Survey
Carcieri Says State Budget is
"Out of Control"
WLNE-TV Election Poll Results,
August, 2002
Providence Gay Issue Recalls
Paolino's 1990 Democratic Primary
Paolino Says No Conflict of
Public Mood Swing Shifts Campaign
Kennedy Caught in Natl Dem Crossfire
McKenna Says Paolino and Igliozzi
Are Too Close to Cianci
Cicilline Will End Car Tow List
Goodbye to Mayor's Car, Igliozzi
New Governor's Survey Tests
Possible Attacks on York and Whitehouse
Half Think Cianci Guilty, New Brown
New Poll Testing Paolino Mayorial
Another Look at Deep Throat
Cianci on the Today Show
Cianci Still Popular But Voters
Say Time for a Change
Almond Blasts Proposed State
Providence Council Pres Lombardi
Tests Election Prospects with New Poll
Will Racial Slurs Save Buddy
Pine: Cianci No Repeat of DiPrete
or Sarault
Jackvony Breaks with Almond
on Port
Hardball Host Chris Matthews
to Speak at Brown April 6, 2002
Brown Conference to Explore
Health Care in Rhode Island April 4-5, 2002
Reed Ranks Sixth in Out-of-State
Campaign Money
Bennett Says Bush Will Campaign
for Him
Whitehouse Deeply Skeptical
on Port
The United States after Sept. 11
Pires Promises Weekly Press
Whitehouse: "No Tax Increase"
Documentary on Life and Times
of Buddy Cianci
Follies Lampoon RI Politicians
Change Way We Do Business in
RI, York Says
Almond Bemoans Attacks on Him
Kennedy Expects Tough Race
Cicilline Poll Tests Providence
Mayorial Waters
Chafee Warns About Divisive
GOP Gubernatorial Primary
Kennedy Criticizes Bush on Taxes
and Enron, But Praises Him on War and Education Policy
Andrew Cuomo to Speak at Brown
Jan. 29
West Roasts Kennedy, Harwood,
and Cianci for a Good Cause
Harwood Says Ethics Charges
Against Him Are "Reckless"; Defends Performance as
Chafee Says He May Have Been
Wrong in Early Doubts About War
Sen. Caprio on Deficit, Welfare,
Car Tax, and Gambling Casino
Ferguson Says Kennedy Has Ticked
Off Half of Congress
Is Kennedy Running on Republican
Dave Rogers on Patrick Kennedy
Mike Battles on Patrick Kennedy
Ted Kennedy Jokes That Patrick
is a "Wimp"
Brown University State Survey, Sept,
Kennedy's New Pollster
Cianci's Selective Memory
AG Says He is Not Soft on Public
Corruption or Providence Police
No Racial Discrimination in
RI Courts, Chief Justice Says
Laura Bush Tops Hillary Clinton
in National Poll
Executive Experience Distinguishes
Whitehouse from Rivals, AG Says
Less Room for Cianci P.R. in Court
New Brown Poll Shows Kennedy Leading
Almond; Views of Cianci and Providence Corruption
Cianci Ridicules ProJo and Almond
in Washington Post
Bush Drops in National Poll
Almond Still Considering Kennedy
Jeffords Jilts GOP
Assessing the
Rhode Island State Police
Jane Swift's Not-so-Swift Critics
Reed Chief of Staff Turns Down
Kennedy: "systemic corruption
in the city of Providence"
Senator Lott Slaps at Chafee
Sixty-Three Percent Approve
of Bush in Wash Post Poll
A Washington Perspective
on Kennedy's Staff Changes (Roll Call newspaper)
Big Ideas Return to National
Kennedy Reshuffles Staff
Moakley, West Predict Drop in
Cianci Support
Teflon Starting to Peel for
McCain Trumps Bush
Kennedys Galore
Langevin and Begin Criticize
RI Campaign Finance Rules
David (Cicilline) to Take on
Goliath for Providence Mayor?
Reed Says Bush Deserves A- on
Tactics, But Is "Reckless" on Tax Cut
Chafee Criticizes Bush Tax Plan;
Proposal for Arctic Drilling
New Brown Poll on Taxes, Clinton,
and Job Performance
Patrick Kennedy Steals Follies
Clinton: Bush's Best Friend?
Brown Survey Shows Schools Moving
in Right Direction
Gov. Almond Promises $8.4 Million
for E-Govt
Governor Almond Pushes Capital
Gains Tax Cut; Praises Attorney General Ashcroft
Patrick Kennedy to Visit Bush
White House
McCain Promises Hardball on
Campaign Finance
Bush: The Corporate President
Is It the Clinton or Bush Economic
Don't Underestimate Bush
Click for August-December, 2000 Columns
Click for January-July, 2000 Columns