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Carcieri Complains about Providence Journal Ad Hominem
Attack (posted December 3, 2006)
Governor Don Carcieri complained about what he called an
"ad hominem" attack from a Providence Journal editorial that
criticized his stance opposing a major port at Quonset Point as due to
wanting to protect his rich friends' yachting area. Appearing on the WJAR-TV
show "10 News Conference", the governor retorted "I don't
belong to yacht clubs" and denied that his position was linked to his
friends' yachts. Referring to the editorial, he said "They are entirely
wrong". He noted that the newspaper editorial page had supported a
gambling casino in this year's election and joked that reflected "great
economic judgment on their part....They are not going to change my
mind." He said his opposition to a port expansion was because "it
is not an economic generator" and doesn't produce a lot of jobs.
Asked about the tenure of state Republican party head Patricia Morgan,
Carcieri was non-committal. "That is a conversation we are just
starting," the governor pointed out. He needs to assess what happened
and what Morgan's future plans were.