Ralph Nader Coming to RI (posted May 8, 2000)

Green Party of Rhode Island officials announced today that Presidential candidate Ralph Nader will campaign at the Rhode Island State House in Providence on Monday, May 15th from Noon till 2 p.m. A press conference will begin at Noon in the State House Rotonda. After the press conference, Nader, the legendary consumer activist, author, and speaker will give a public address with questions and answers about his Presidential campaign and the issues of the race.

Currently, Green officials note that Nader is polling 5.7% across the nation (Zobgy poll- with Gallup and/or NBC/ Wall Street Journal above 4%) and is ahead of Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan in most polls. But, in certain key states, Time magazine reports Nader at 7% in Oregon and close to 10% in California, which may swing the election.

Goals of raising $5 million and recieving matching funds, and qualifing for the ballot in all 50 states are well under way, Green Party spokesperson Greg Gerritt said.

Nader's appearance in Rhode Island is part of a New England swing with stops in Massachusetts and Nader's home state of Connecticut. The public is invited to call Greg Gerritt at (401) 331-0529 for further information about Nader's Rhode Island Campaign stop or visit the national Nader web site at: www.VoteNader.com