Senator Lincoln Chafee: The TV Interview (posted November 14, 1999)

U.S. Senator Lincoln Chafee gave his first extended interview on November 14, 1999, when he appeared on WJAR-TV's news show "10 News Conference." Speaking on a range of issues, he discussed how he is coping with his new Senate responsibilities and what his views are on major issues. The following represents his most noteworthy comments.

First Impressions of the Senate: "It is like walking into a hurricane." Happy he has a good staff from his father's office to help out.

Seating Assignment: "I sit next to Jesse Helms" on the Senate floor.

Foreign policy: Supports gradual emergence of separate Palestinian state.

Disagreements with Father: Won't be major disagreements with father's political philosophy. The only area where he sees a difference is that Chafee sees himself working closely with labor bargaining units. He described himself as being "more inclined to listen to the AFL-CIO on some issues than my father."

Tax cuts: Opposes big tax cuts unless "really warranted." He prefers tax cuts more along the lines supported by President Clinton. Thinks country should take care of debt reduction, Medicare, and Social Security first.

World role: Cautious about being world's policeman. The United States does have a role in fighting genocide. We need the support of neighboring countries and major democracies for U.S. to intervene abroad.

Committees: Already named as chair of Superfund subcommittee.

The Environment: Feels that new EPA standard on asbestos has been too strict. It cost Warwick schools a lot of money. Supports strong environmental policies "if the science is good." A strong environment is good for business.

Source: "10 News Conference", November 14, 1999